When Nova first came to us, she had a lot of anxiety issues. She would almost seize up from them, yelping as if she were in pain. At one time, before a clean health check, it was even suspected she could be having seizures. It took time, help from a person more experienced in this and a lot of patience, but she came a long way. She became a confident dog, one who was excited about exploring on walks. She became playful. She still had a long way to go, but in the right environment, it isn't going to take long.
Chilling with Simon |
Nova found the right environment. A couple, who have a husky with separation anxiety, was looking for a sister for their boy. They looked at Nova. After hearing all of the good and bad, they decided she was the right dog for them. The bad really is she needs a little extra love. She could not have found a better home.
Nova making nice with her new Mom |
The meet was done in a park. They drove from the east coast with their boy in tow to see how the two would get along. As soon as Nova spotted him, she wanted to run over and greet him. The last few weeks she had been getting along better with Sid. And she loved their boy from the start. Then it was time to make friends with her soon to be humans. She showed off how cute she was and gave plenty of love.
Adoption days are always bitter sweet for me. I love seeing them going to a good home. But I always miss them. The day starts with both apprehension and excitement. I worry if the potential adopter is going to like the dog. I worry when there are introductions to existing pets. Let's face it, I'm a worrier. But when it all comes together, like it did on that day, it's the best feeling. It's nice to be part of the process of helping the dogs get ready for their new lives. A life where they will be cherished and loved.
Nova enjoying her new family |
My next foster is ready for me, however, due to my health I need a week or so before I can bring a new foster in. I am also going through some medical issues with one of the cats. Once we are past these few issues, we will be bringing the new foster home, and I will be on here to share pictures. She is suppose to be a lover.