As the starts getting hotter and hotter, the patterns with the huskies will change. Midday outings will start to trickle off unless if it's to the beach. Evenings on the pool deck or the front porch will pick up. Yup, summer is starting to announce itself in Florida. And while a husky's undercoat will protect them from extreme temperatures on either spectrum, it still gets too hot to have them out side during the midday sun running with no way of cooling down. Dog park trips will be moved to evenings or cooler days.
Sid and Kony checking out the front |
Recently, the front porch got screened in, as a way to better husky proof things. It helps keep them from bolting, though Sid foiled that plan today. It also let's them sit out front and watch the neighborhood during the evenings. So far, it's been a hit with Kony. He's been sitting outside every night. He really seems to enjoy just being around his foster humans more then anything, though his curiosity seems to get quenched being outside as well. He's pretty good about not jumping up on the screen, unlike another husky who shall remain nameless. The one time he did try, a quick no got him to step back down and he has not tried again. Other then the hoarding of toys, Kony doesn't give us much trouble. He eats, sleeps and wants attention. No table begging, no cat eating, nothing.
Speaking of cat eating, he is making huge strides in the cat friendly area. Earlier today, Sid and Kony had Simon trapped and were trying to play with him. Kony seems to be picking up that Simon is not food from Sid, though I'm sure while Simon appreciates that, he would appreciate it more if Kony would ignore him. I noticed Kony was being gentle with the cat when batting at him. Since it has only been a small amount of time since Kony drooled over the cat, I still distracted them with treats so Simon could get to the other side of the gate. He didn't look too amused at his predicament anyway.
I have been trying to get Kony out as much as possible so people can meet him. He is such a friendly dog, and so far, I don't think he's met a person he doesn't like. One of the best ways to get Kony out is to get him out to the events that the rescue is at. I figure I'll try to get him to as many as possible before the weather just makes it uncomfortable for him.
Kony lazing about at the flea market |
This past weekend, he made an appearance at the flea market. He hung out for a few hours in front of the fans and greeted anyone who came by. A list of possible events he can be seen at are listed on
Husky Haven's website. He will not be at this weekend's event, but I do plan on getting him out to the one at the end of the month. So feel free to come out and say hello to him and the other great huskies that are out.
He really seemed to enjoy his time out. He has such a laid back temperament and really does enjoy having people shower attention on him. Getting him places is pretty easy since he walks like a perfect gentleman on a leash and sleeps like a little baby in the car. If someone wanted a dog to take places with them, they would be hard pressed to find one better behaved then Kony. He doesn't jump at strangers, nor does he run from them. Busy places don't seem to bother him at all. He's confident and relaxed in every situation we have had him in so far.
Kony seems to get comfortable in new situations pretty quickly, so when he does find a home to call his very own, the adjustment period should be pretty quick. Teach him the house rules, let him get adjusted to any other animals and give him plenty of love. He definitely deserves the love and will return it tenfold. Be sure to come by and say hello to him the next time he is out and about and see just what a teddy bear this guy is. He always has an extra hug for anyone who wants it.
The huskies enjoying a quiet evening |