It's always kind of fun watching a fur baby getting comfortable in a new surrounding and really showing their personality. These past few days, Kony has hit that stage. He was always a sweet dog, but now I'm starting to see his playful side too.
Onyx trying to escape the wrestling match |
Lately, him and Sid wrestle non stop. He has quite a bit of energy when he has a constructive outlet for it. And he seems to be aware fo his size. Sid seems to get the upper hand in the bouts quite a bit, but I think that is because Kony is being gentle since he is about twice Sid's size. Today, not only did they wrestle, they also decided to play chase me in the living room. Onyx was the smart one. He hid. Onyx usually hides when those two get a bit too into playing. Or he tries to get out of the living room. I can't say I blame him. I try to escape too. Sid likes to include whoever or whatever is around when he gets into playing. But it's nice seeing all of them getting along so well. Kony really seems to be doing well with his foster brothers, and he is so well behaved, I can let him on the other side of the gate if he needs a break from the more energetic Sid for a bit.
Kony actually started a new game with Sid. I keep a toy box in the living room for all of their toys. All of the dogs seem to find it pretty quickly. Kony has started taking all of the toys out of it and putting them on the rug and then laying with them. He then growls at Sid if Sid walks by. He's not being aggressive. He is trying to taunt Sid. This is how Kony initiates play. Sid isn't as subtle in his initiating. He just jumps at Kony and it turns into puppy UFC.
Kony wishing he had some BBQ sauce |
Kony is getting better with the cats. He still wants to eat them, but he seems to understand that that is a behavior his foster mommy doesn't desire. He is very good if told to leave the cats alone and walks away from them. Since Kony has been good about listening where the cats are concerned, I have been letting him get closer to Simon so he can get use to the cats. Simon is an awesome cat and he won't back down. He was a boxer in a previous life and can defend himself pretty well. I've never seen anyone throw a left hook like he does. While I wouldn't call him cat friendly yet, though he may be getting there, I would call him cat tolerant. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't trust him alone with the cats if they didn't have a way to get away from him, but he seems to be coming a long way. He is not crated at night or when I have to go out, but the kiddy gate keeps him confined to an area that the cats can avoid. There has been no problems and I am quite happy with how he's been doing with the cats.
While Kony can be quite energetic during playtime, the rest of the time he just likes to lay around and be lazy. Unlike another husky I know, he is not constantly looking for something to get into. He's perfectly happy laying on the dog bed or laying next to my chair and getting his belly rubbed. He is a great dog to just lay around and love. And a great dog to poop out Sid.
Kony showing either his intellect or laziness |
I plan on taking Kony to some of the upcoming events so others can see just how sweet and gentle this boy really is. More information on Kony can also be found on
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